Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Self Made Man

1. A self made man usually has little or no education. Are ususlly on their own from an early age. Invent or do something on their own.

2.Benjamin Franklin

3.He had less than two years of formal education and began his young adulthood entirely on his own in Philadelphia.Until his death at eighty-four, he worked constantly to improve his mind, his body, and his behavior.

4. I myself am not a self made man. My parents provide me with suplies and thing i need to survive.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Based on Fredrick Douglas

In 1833, Thomas Auld took Douglass back from Hugh after a dispute ("[A]s a means of punishing Hugh," Douglass wrote). Dissatisfied with Douglass, Thomas Auld sent him to work for EdwardConvay, a poor farmer who had a reputation as a "slave-breaker." There Douglass was whipped regularly. The sixteen-year-old Douglass was indeed nearly broken psychologically by his ordeal under Covey, but he finally rebelled against the beatings and fought back. After losing a confrontation with Douglass, Covey never tried to beat him again.
In 1837, Douglass met Anna Murray, a Free black in Baltimore. They married soon after he obtained his freedom.